1st SLATE Supervisory Board meeting

@ Marum, Bremen | 15-16/03/2017

The 1st SLATE Supervisory Board meeting brought together PIs and associated partners at MARUM, Bremen, in order to discuss and finalize the project’s aims and structure as well as the roadmap for the upcoming recruitment phase. The main focus of the two-day meeting was set on the following topics:

  • Management (including management structures, time schedule, advisory board members, planning of training program/workshops/PDP, outreach & webpage)
  • ESR projects (collaborations/synergies between ESR projects, planned secondments, new collaboration partners, changes to the Grant Agreement)
  • EU guidelines (regarding job announcements, recruitment and eligibility criteria, ethics, open access policy, reporting and financial management)
MARUM, Universität Bremen | © A. Gerdes