Coupled modelling of landslide tsunamis using a primitive fluid mechanics model
Matthias Rauter | NGI Oslo
Landslide tsunamis can cause large destruction. The tsunami generation from landslides involve complex flow mechanics. Examples comprise the violent impact caused by subaerial landslides and flank collapses, as well as the complex flow structures inside a submarine landslide. The ESR14 project will focus on developing new numerical models for understanding the complex interaction between the water body and the landslide, as well as how landslide stratification and development of shear bands govern the early formation of a tsunami. The candidate will develop a primitive model that takes into account the coupled dynamics of a landslide tsunami. We foresee that the model development will be undertaken within open source systems such as OpenFOAM or similar. The coupled landslide-tsunami model will first be used to study processes related to the formation of tsunami generation from subaerial landslides and volcano flank instabilities, simulating both existing laboratory experiments as well as realistic cases. Furthermore, simulating complex internal flow structures inside landslides are envisioned. Available results from the laboratory may be utilized also here.
- RiSC – Risk, Slope stability and Climate adaptation
@ Vienna, Austria (07 – 12 April 2019)
Conferences, ESR 1, ESR 12, ESR 13, ESR 14, ESR 15, ESR 2, ESR 3, ESR 4, ESR 5, ESR 6, ESR 7, ESR 8, ESR 9, News
ESRs share their experience at the EGU General Assembly 2019 hosted in Vienna, Austria. Posters, oral presentations, PICOs and much more.
@ RWTH Aachen, Germany
ESR 14, News
In autumn 2018, Matthias (ESR14) visited Julia Kowalski at RWTH Aachen for a discussion on numerical methods for landslide simulation and its challenges, especially regarding surface meshing on natural terrain. Read about two days of intensive hacking!
Let’s get muddy!
ESR 1, ESR 13, ESR 14, News
During our 2nd annual workshop, the ESRs investigated three different landslide events at Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. In the second blog of the ‘Lake Lucerne Workshop’ series Rachel (ESR1), Thomas (ESR13) and Matthias (ESR14) share their experience on project planning as well as mapping, coring and analysing the data.